Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Of Bands, Boats, Skylines and Explosions

When last the blog left our friends Atomic Tom, they were tearing up the Internet with their subway video. 5 million views, some national TV appearances and a whole, whole lot of tour van miles later, they're still doing very well, thankyouverymuch, and we're glad to have them back home in NYC for a while after several months on the road.

Recently, the boys played a rock cruise on the East River. After several stiflingly hot days, the evening of the boat cruise was blessedly glorious. And we may be a bunch of jaded, cynical New York hipster-types, but I challenge anyone who finds themselves on a lovely sunset boat ride on the East River and around New York harbor to not find themselves going wicked stupid giddy like a bunch of tourists. And there was a rock show! And a buffet! What could be better?

Maybe if there were some inexplicable mid-set fireworks just as the whole shebang floated under the Brooklyn Bridge...that would be cinematically awesome, right? Could that possibly be arranged? DONE AND DONE:

And there was some music and stuff, too: