Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Turkey in Lower Manhattan

Here's something you may not know about the Sheps. We like birds. We like birds a lot. We're not one of these families that goes on birdwatching expeditions, as that requires too much effort, however we do tend to lose our collective familial shit when a new songbird graces the backyard. Or perhaps a thrush. And don't even get me started on the fits elicited by a pheasant. Birds are good.

Much like my love of cooking and the ability to make badass, military-approved hospital corners when making the bed, I have carried this family-bred ornithological appreciation with me in my adult life. So wasn't I just tickled when I stumbled upon this scene in Lower Manhattan, in the shadow of the Statue of Liberty, of all places:

It turns out Ms. Turkey actually lives there, after spending some time in Tribeca before re-locating downtown. Clever of her, as the real estate market really favors Battery Park these days. And her name is Zelda. After F. Scott Fitzgerald's wife, who wandered around the park when she had a nervous breakdown. Which is frankly pretty sick, and not like the way the young kids say sick now. But a turkey-in-residence is awesome. Did DC have a turkey-in-residence? No. No it did not. Which is one more reason why NYC kicks DC's ass six ways to Sunday. Go on, turkey. Ms. Zelda if you're nasty.