Wednesday, August 12, 2009

New Yorker Robyn v.2.0

I moved in to the new digs in New York City on Sunday, and oh, my goodness is it good to be back. I don't even care that I seemed to have timed my arrival just in time for the hottest, stinkiest days of the year. Or that I blew my knee out the day before arriving, making my poor, awesome parents do most of the heavy lifting to the walkup apartment while I popped ibuprofen and offered encouragement and promised that I did not, in fact, do this on purpose. Really really.

Given the limited time and mobility, I've done a lot in the past few days: bagels by the river, dips in the public pool, walks to the Met, etc. I told myself to take it easy, and not hit the gig circuit too soon, as I had all the time in the world.

I lasted all of 36 hours. Here's Bryan, Mac, Jenny, and Alec getting awesome with it at the Red Lion:

and Bryan and Mac killing a Howard Jones cover: