Sunday, April 16, 2006

Gee-oh-par-day, bee-otch.

It is indeed a red letter day in Shepherd family history! Anyone who's down with the Sheps knows of our unabiding love for the best of game shows -- Jeopardy! (you have to love a show that includes its own exclamation point in the title). So when they offered online tests for the first time ever, I was on it like white on rice. I took the test, and must say that I felt like I rocked it. Lo and behold, last night I got the word that I have been summoned to come to an undisclosed hotel in Washington to properly try out. Tres exciting!

If you're rolling your eyes right now, please understand how this warms my geeky little heart. I shan't go on and on, but will post more updates as events warrant, if they indeed warrant at all.

